Sunday, November 24, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

   This week I was given the opportunity to reflect upon how much good this life has to offer. I was able to reflect upon how truly blessed I am to be a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I would like to take this opportunity to express the love that I have for my savior. I am so grateful to have a loving Heavenly Father who directs all my paths. I am grateful to have the Holy Ghost assist me in every aspect of my life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is one that changes the heart, this then changes our lives. When we truly understand the gospel and are committed to our Savior our actions begin to change.
    May I suggest that when we love our Savior as he loves us, serving others, being kind, and charitable will not seem like a chore. It will not be a challenge to go around and do good. The gospel of Jesus Christ provides comfort, peace and sanctity. I am thankful that I was born into the true church upon this earth. I am grateful to have a best friend who knows the intentions of my heart, who knows my strengths and weaknesses.
    The holiday season often gives us the chance to reflect upon how much we have. I would suggest that we take the time to reflect upon how much we truly have. Having an attitude of gratitude starts with positive thinking, take time to list things you are grateful for. Offer up prayers of complete gratitude, not asking for anything from our Father in Heaven. Our Heavenly Father wants to bless us, we need to be diligently thanking our Heavenly Father to become closer with him.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What Stresses Stress Us the most....EEEK!!

    There are two types of stressors that can occur with anyone. The first stressors are Internal Events...any ideas on what would be an internal stressor for you? Internal stressors deal with things such as a wayward child, drug abuse, a distant marriage or relationship with a child, aging, attending college, pregnancy. Internal stressors according to Lauern are events that begin from someone inside the family. External stressors would be events such as natural disasters, terrorism, stock market and minorities. External stressors are events that begin from someone or something outside of the family.

..... SO which is harder to deal with? Something residing from within your immediate reach or something completely out of your control?

Is it harder to deal with things we can't necessarily change or is it harder when we know we have an affect and have the power to change things?

     Conflict and stresses can often have the "make it, or break it" affect. Some families cleave unto each other and support one another when tragedy or stressful events happen, others are destroyed by them. One study showed the top three stressors in Families are One, Death of a child. Two, death of a spouse or parent and three, divorce. Unexpected events can truly throw families for a whirl wind. Studies show that communication is one of the biggest indicators, this determines how well a family will cope with stress or tragic events. When families communicate and express their struggles and feelings they find something to connect and draw them together. Families who communicate are showing support (which is most important in times such as these). Relying on each other and seeking out hope in any religious affiliation can be a great asset to overcoming such heartache.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

What Do Mates Look For

      Many people wonder what attracts the opposite sex to one another. Have you ever wondered what qualities are most attractive to your mate? Most males and females actually look for the same thing in eachother, surprised? An experiment asked men and women to rank top ten qualities in order. Both men and women ranked the first five exactly the same.

1. A mutual attraction, love
2. Dependable Character
3. Emotional stability, maturity
4. Pleasing disposition
5. Education, intelligence

      Perhaps the most important qualities each sex looks for is dependability and character. "Good Looks" were both ranked as 8th by men, and 9th for women. Good looks are clearly not what keep men and women together. Once mates have found eachother what keeps them together? Studies show that opposites may attract initially, but these differences fade out. The Con's to opposites attracting eachother are as follows: Contrary interests and values generate arguments, you are more comfortable with people who share your own background and goals in life, and the more alike you are, the easier it is to understand and appreciate each other. Similarities provide common ground for couples to relate to. When disagreements and differences arise it is easier to fall back on similar grounds. May I suggest that differences may intrigue us to one another. However, couples should agree on major topics for the best chance of marriage success. It can be very challenging when two people are torn apart because of religion, politics and family.
      Another factor that contributes to a successful marriage is not cohabiting before marriage. Many people believe they increase their rate of success if they "test" the waters, before fully committing and legally signing the papers. Research shows that the success rate for a lasting marriage decreases greatly for couples who cohabit before marriage. Perhaps cohabiting creates a casual mindset towards the relationship. Might I suggest that people who cohabit are less likely to give it their all if they know they can back out easily. Marriage sets a certain precedent, there are expectations and people are more likely to try harder if they are legally bound. Once married couples need to devote time to one another. Many couples forget to praise one another, they forget to talk and appreciate eachother. One researcher suggests that couples spend 2 minutes in the morning talking to eachother, and roughly 10 minutes at the end of each day talking to eachother. Five minutes should be devoted to telling eachother how wonderful one another is and there should be five minutes of kissing, each day. Couples who communicate often and show physical attention to one another are less likely to be contentious with one another. I would advise all couples to cherish one another, show love, respect and communicate! Those who put the extra effort into their relationship will reap the benefits.