Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What I've learned from this class

                This course has taught me so much and inspired me to seek out further families. This course has taught me the structures of families, marriages and how to better raise children. I also learned how to handle conflicts in an effective way, how to find love and keep it. Everything that I learned in this course will transpose into my daily life. This course has made me grateful for all that I have.
                Families are eternal and divine. We have the power to change our past circumstances, we can become better than our parents or grandparents. The gospel of Jesus Christ parallels perfectly with families. We as men and women have a divine responsibility to raise righteous posterity and teach them the truth. I am so blessed to have been born into the gospel. Family Relations has taught me so many useful tips to keep a marriage together. Learning about marriages has impacted me the most. Personally, marriage is very scary for me. My families history in marriage hasn’t been the prettiest, I am grateful to know that I have the power to change this pattern. Husbands and wives can be happy in a marriage for time and all eternity. The next few paragraphs will express some of my favorite things I learned through taking this class.
                People often say “I am falling in love”. Brother Williams noted that falling is an accident, love is not. Each day we choose to love someone, we choose to accept them for who they are, their imperfections, their strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps we need to look at love differently, instead of “falling” into love, we should choose to. We need to prepare ourselves for the right person, prepare to be better and continue to make that choice to love that person after we are married.
                                                                    Next Point
                “It’s not a problem with communication, it is a problem with your heart”. Often times we think couples just can’t communicate effectively. Many couples point fingers, and put the blame on each other.  It is not about communication, or for that matter money, religion, children anything; this is a matter of the heart. If BOTH couples hearts were soften would there really be any of these issues? No, humbling oneself requires sacrifice, if both couples were sacrificing they would find a common ground. In my personal opinion no issue is too big to fix, if our hearts were centered and focused in the right areas, couples would be able to work things out.
                Taking a Family Relations class has helped me prepare for my future family and the relationships I will have. I am grateful to have learned about true doctrine, research, and to learn how to examine real research and defend the family.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

This blog may be offensive to some people; however, I feel very strongly about this topic. In reading chapter 12 in my Family Relations class I learned about parenting, why people choose to have children and why some do not. While reading one line stuck out to me “ …many of them prefer to either not have children or to delay childbearing because they highly value their leisure time.” First off, who doesn’t value their leisure time? Second, how selfish does that sound? You value your own personal time too much to give to another being, to be a huge part in another individuals life, one that you created.
                I have noticed many women now days feel entitled to work outside the home, to become CEO’s, major political figures etc. When did being a mother not measure up? I understand that being a parent is not for everyone. However, if you have your life together, your head on straight and a way to provide for a child there is no reason to not have one. Those couples who just say they don’t have time are too interested in themselves.
                Children teach parents so much, children allow parents to learn and grow. Children bring joy, struggles, successes and failures. I find it astonishing when someone says they don’t want kids. You must be so consumed in your own life to not even think about raising a family. If you ask any parent if the regret having children I can almost guarantee that everyone of them would say “no”. Parents often say, “it’s a challenge, but the most rewarding and thrilling experiences”. Having children provides and opportunity for husband and wife to become closer, to share more joy with eachother. I understand that you can receive fulfilment from a job or various activities. However; nothing compares to creating and raising a child together. Those people who are determined to not have children, I ask you to consider. Do those things you enjoy now really give you joy and fulfillment? Do they make you work at it? Is it tough, but rewarding? Does it pay off? Does it keep giving and teaching you? A full time job, working overtime or being head CEO of any company will not give you full joy if you have no one to share it with.
                Having children is a blessing that has been given to us. We grow more when we have things that challenge the mind, body and spirit.