The world is constantly telling us we can become whoever we want to be. We are told we can change ourselves and to always seek the absolute best. Why is it that we are constantly seeking to "one up" someone? I would ask you to ponder these thoughts before continuing on with this post.
I have seen countless of people exhaust themselves with trying to become the best. So many people are wasting away money, time and energy to prove something. Those who are involved in this life style will never be content. We must be careful with the spirit of entitlement. When we become used to living a lavish life and having it all; we often are subjects to never being content. When we focus all of our energies on the things of the world we must be leaving something out. What it is it we are neglecting? Our family? Spouse? Children? God? Sometimes our perspectives need to change. We need to refocus our attention on our divine purpose. We need to fortify our relationships and create peace in our homes. The scriptures, and prophets tell us that there is no greater joy than creating a heaven on earth; within our homes.
Let us be more careful at what we "need". We don't need that huge flat screen TV, the latest iphone, the newest pair of UGG boots. If we would spend our energy trying to "impress" or please God we would find much more happiness and peace in our lives.
TRY this week to make an extra effort to make God your number one priority, check in with him..he will tell you, you are enough and you have enough!
Thanks for your thoughts! Entitlement is such an issue in our society and especially among college students. Neal A. Maxwell discusses this by declaring, "Wise self-denial shrinks our sense of entitlement." Why do you think so many feel entitled? I loved the idea you posed that "you are enough and you have enough." How can we best teach others of their true worth?