Lately in society I feel there has been this mindset that small families are ideal. The world is constantly portraying the perfect parents with two smart, athletic and preppy children. I have constantly wondered why parents are so wrapped up in this image. This image to create this small unit that looks perfect to everyone else. As I pondered more I looked into why I think families are having fewer amount of children. The best explanation as to why well educated, financially and emotionally stable parents are only having one - two children is simple, Selfishness.
Parents seem to want their children to do exactly what they want them to do; To speak a certain way, play a certain instrument.. the list goes on and on. Parents are more concerned with their appearance; how nicely they all dress, making sure their children have the latest iphone etc. What happened to teaching children morals? To making our children work for things they want. Many parents have allowed the spirit of entitlement to rule their homes. It is ok to not give your children everything they want. Our purpose is to bring up righteous, independent, hard working children. Put aside your expectations, stop caring about what your neighbor thinks of you and turn towards your family and work from within!
Becoming a parent used to be praiseworthy, an accomplishment, something to be proud of. Now days it seems as though it is almost a burden. Society is pushing so hard to tell woman that they have the same opportunities as men, that they should be able to do whatever they want. So I propose this question to you. When did our innate purpose as women, (to be a mother) become something so casual? We were put on this earth to learn and grow, to teach, nurture and CREATE families! The opportunities, growth, development and love that comes from being a parent is inmeasurable to any professional, corporate job. Ladies, please do not get the wrong message. To be a working mother is great. There is nothing wrong with getting your education and working. I however am suggesting we dig a little deeper. We as women should be proud to be mothers, proud to give up ourselves completely and put another human being first. Do not let society tell you what is acceptable. I promise that we would all gain greater blessings and lead happier lives if we put aside our own wants and needs and focused on something so much bigger... families!
Hey my name is Emily and I am the TA for your class. Good job on your blog! I can tell that you are quite passionate about this topic. I agree that society should not dictate our decisions as women. How would you explain these strong opinions of yours to a group of working women who feel "called" to their certain field?